Why Sizing of Neutral wire is critical in Servo Voltage Stabilizer?

There are several misconceptions regarding sizing of Neutral wire. In general, we take half of the size of the phase diameter of the wire, i.e. if the wire size is 10mm2 than we can plan for either 4mm2 or 6mm2 for the neutral wire. As in most cases neutral is just used to complete the circuit. This can even be true for normal cases. However, in Servo Voltage Stabilizer the case is totally different. Servo Stabilizer basically corrects the individual phase voltage with respect to neutral and we always suggest regarding the size of neutral wire, to use the similar diameter that we used in case of output phase wire (as recommended). This may appeal false in case, if input voltage comes normal / at higher end. However, there may be certain conditions where selecting lower capacity neutral wire may be dangerous. These are: 1- If load attached in three phase servo stabilizer is in single phase only and not properly distributed in three phase. 2- If input voltage is coming low.
In case of unbalanced load, the total load of single phase shall be over neutral wire so capacity of neutral wire shall be of similar rating as input wire.
In case of Low voltage, the servo stabilizer tends to correct the voltage by sucking the current from the electrical transformer. The higher current when compared to the lower capacity of neutral wire results in rise in the temperature of neutral wire. So, there may be a chance that servo may not correct the voltage as expected. So we always suggest to use similar size neutral wire as output phase wire. Contact us