Electrical Distribution Panel

Distribution / Electrical Panel

Electrical Panel is a broad term which includes several type of Panels such as Distribution Panel, AMF Panels, APFC Panels, VFD Panel, Star Delta Starter Panel, Automation Panel etc. This head generally includes Customized sizes, capacities along with customized brands switchgear.

Distribution Panel

In simple terms we can understand it as a type of Electrical Panel which basically distribute and controls the flow of electricity. It includes – Powder Coated Mild Steel Panel Box, Switchgears, Connectors, Bus Bars, Wires, Indicators and Meters.
     • AMF Panels
     • APFC Panels
     • Autophase Corrector Panel

Distribution Panel may have one or more Inputs in terms of Power Source such as -
     • Transformer
     • DG / Diesel Generator
     • Solar Panel

Distribution Panel may have several output in terms of loads such as –
     • Floors
     • Motor Starter
     • Emergency Lights (Inverter wiring / CCTV)
     • Outside Premises Lights
     • Fire Fighting Pumping

    Key Features and Benefits

  • We offer quality and highly functional range of LT panels to our clients.
  • Fabricated from quality components to provide durability, safety and long life to the panel.
  • Powder coated for preventing corrosion, thus lengthening the life of the panel.
  • Designed and developed according to IE rules and customized according to the cli-ents’ needs.
  • Tested by professionals for reliable and correct performance.
  • Inspection of the panel by client at the workshop before delivery.
  • Facility of 1 year warranty and AMC available.

Typical Applications

Used in all major industries where heavy machinery is used. They serve in not only in efficient distribution of incoming power but also protect the subsidiary circuits in case of overload currents and short circuits. Some of the major industries include: Power, Textile, Iron & Steel, Flour Mills, Sugar Mills, Cement Plants and other manufacturing units.

Distribution Panels: Available in Three Phase, along with customizable sizes, from 20KVA to 1000KVA.

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